レベル 1: Pre-K
レベル 1 は、非常に若い学習者とまったくの初心者向けに特別に設計されています。ビデオ、歌、ゲーム、チャレンジが満載の 12 の魅力的なユニットで、お子様は魅力的な英語の旅に乗り出すことができます。簡単な語彙を学び、最初の文を作り、Aa から Zz までのフォニックスを探求します。 ch、sh、th の魅力的なブレンドから、oa、ie、ai、ee などの魔法のフォニックス パターンまで、すべてをカバーします。追加の練習のために、オプションの宿題も利用できます。お子様の学習とコミュニケーションへの愛情を刺激するお手伝いをいたします。
Unit 1: Phonics a, b, c, d

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics a, b, c, d. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 2: Phonics e, f, g, h

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics e, f, g, h. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 3: Phonics i, j, k, l

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics i, j, k, l. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 4: Phonics m, n, o, p

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics m, n, o, p. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 5: Phonics q, r, s, t

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics q, r, s, t. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 6: Phonics u, v, w, x

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics u, v, w, x. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 7: Phonics y, z, ch, sh

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics y, z, ch, sh. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 8: Phonics th, oa, ie, ai

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics th, oa, ie, ai. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 9: Phonics ee, oo, or, ng

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics ee, oo, or, ng. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 10: Phonics ou, oi, oy, ue, ui, ow

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics ou, oi, oy, ue, ui, ow. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 11: Phonics au, aw, ew, ph, er, ir, ur, all, igh

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics au, aw, ew, ph, er, ir, ur, all, igh We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.
Unit 12: Phonics a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e

Unit Learning Objectives:
In this unit, comprised of 6 classes, we will explore phonics a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e. We will end the unit with a review class followed by an assessment class to ensure your child has a full grasp of the content.